A New Beginning
After much prayer and so many conversations between myself and my family, I have decided to resign from my full-time job. I love my job and have been blessed to be able to hang out with some really cool kids all day. I will miss everyone so much. However, I feel God leading me to other things. I am so excited to be a full-time homeschool Mom and a boutique owner. The best years of my life were when my babies were little and I got to be their first teacher. I consider it a blessing to have the opportunity again. I'm not sure what all God has for me but I am excited to see!
New beginnings can be scary. Even though I trust in God and believe every word He promised is true, it is still hard to take steps into the unknown. But even though it's difficult, I am taking that first step into the unknown. God has proven time and time again that He's got me. And every time it has strengthened my faith. Is my faith perfect? Not at all. But Jesus knows my heart and every time I start to slip and worry, I am reminded of all the times He made a way through no way. He will see me through now. He hasn't changed.
Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. My own understanding keeps me anxious. My own understanding is that bad things happen and the world is a mess. My own understanding keeps me frozen in fear. But when I place my trust in Jesus, instead of what my understanding tries to tell me, He will lead me where I need to go.
Is there someting you are having (or wanting) to do that's is scary? He won't let you fall. Take that step. God will make sure there is ground underneath you. Jesus cares for you so much more that you are able to understand. He knows every worry and hurt you have and wants to carry it for you. Read Hebrews 11. It tells of account after account of what people did by faith and through faith. What can you do through faith or by faith? Write your own by faith story.